Source code for

Cleaning of the body and the header

import unidecode
import unicodedata
import re
from melusine import config

REGEX_CLEAN = config["regex"]["cleaning"]
regex_flags_dict = config["text_flagger"]["text_flags"]
regex_clean_header_dict = REGEX_CLEAN["clean_header_dict"]
regex_remove_multiple_spaces_list = REGEX_CLEAN["remove_multiple_spaces_list"]

[docs]def clean_body(row, flags=True): """Clean body column. The cleaning involves the following operations: - Cleaning the text - Removing the multiple spaces - Flagging specific items (postal code, phone number, date...) Parameters ---------- row : row of pandas.Dataframe object, Data contains 'last_body' column. flags : boolean, optional True if you want to flag relevant info, False if not. Default value, True. Returns ------- row of pandas.DataFrame object or pandas.Series if apply to all DF. """ text = str(row["last_body"]) clean_body = clean_text(text) clean_body = flag_items(clean_body, flags=flags) return clean_body
[docs]def clean_header(row, flags=True): """Clean the header column. The cleaning involves the following operations: - Removing the transfers and answers indicators - Cleaning the text - Flagging specific items (postal code, phone number, date...) Parameters ---------- row : row of pandas.Dataframe object, Data contains 'header' column. flags : boolean, optional True if you want to flag relevant info, False if not. Default value, True. Returns ------- row of pd.DataFrame object or pandas.Series if apply to all DF. """ text = str(row["header"]) clean_header = remove_transfer_answer_header(text) clean_header = clean_text(clean_header) clean_header = flag_items(clean_header, flags=flags) return clean_header
[docs]def clean_text(text): """Clean a string. The cleaning involves the following operations: - Putting all letters to lowercase - Removing all the accents - Removing all line breaks - Removing all symbols and punctuations - Removing the multiple spaces Parameters ---------- text : str Returns ------- str """ text = text_to_lowercase(text) text = remove_accents(text) text = remove_line_break(text) text = remove_superior_symbol(text) # text = remove_apostrophe(text) text = remove_multiple_spaces_and_strip_text(text) return text
[docs]def text_to_lowercase(text): """Set all letters to lowercase""" return text.lower()
[docs]def remove_accents(text, use_unidecode=False): """ Remove accents from text Using unidecode is more powerful but much more time consuming Exemple: the joined 'ae' character is converted to 'a' + 'e' by unidecode while it is suppressed by unicodedata. """ if use_unidecode: return unidecode.unidecode(text) else: utf8_str = ( unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", text) .encode("ASCII", "ignore") .decode("utf-8") ) return utf8_str
[docs]def remove_line_break(text): """Remove line breaks from text""" return text.replace("\n", "")
[docs]def remove_superior_symbol(text): """Remove superior and inferior symbols from text""" text = text.replace(">", "") text = text.replace("<", "") return text
[docs]def remove_apostrophe(text): """Remove apostrophes from text""" return text.replace("'", " ")
[docs]def remove_multiple_spaces_and_strip_text(text): """Remove multiple spaces, strip text, and remove '-', '*' characters. Parameters ---------- text : str, Header content. Returns ------- str """ for regex_remove_multiple_spaces in regex_remove_multiple_spaces_list: text = re.sub(regex_remove_multiple_spaces, " ", text) text = text.strip() return text
[docs]def flag_items(text, flags=True): """Flag relevant information ex : amount, phone number, email address, postal code (5 digits).. Parameters ---------- text : str, Body content. flags : boolean, optional True if you want to flag relevant info, False if not. Default value, True. Returns ------- str """ if flags: for regex, value in regex_flags_dict.items(): text = re.sub(pattern=regex, repl=value, string=text, flags=re.IGNORECASE) return text else: return text
[docs]def remove_transfer_answer_header(text): """Remove historic and transfers indicators in the header. Ex: "Tr:", "Re:", "Fwd", etc. Parameters ---------- text : str, Header content. Returns ------- str """ for regex, value in regex_clean_header_dict.items(): text = re.sub(pattern=regex, repl=value, string=text, flags=re.IGNORECASE) return text