Source code for melusine.summarizer.keywords_generator

import copy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.sparse as sp
from collections import Counter
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from melusine.utils.transformer_scheduler import TransformerScheduler
from melusine import config

keywords = config["words_list"]["keywords"]
stopwords = config["tokenizer"]["stopwords"] + list(

[docs]class KeywordsGenerator(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """Class to extract list of keywords from text. It is compatible with scikit-learn API (i.e. contains fit, transform methods). Parameters ---------- max_tfidf_features : int, optional Size of vocabulary for tfidf. Default value, 10000. keywords : list, optional Keywords to extracted as priority. Default value, "keywords" list defined in conf file. stopwords : list, optional Stopwords not to be extracted. Default value, "names" and "stopwords" lists defined in conf file. resample : bool, optional True if dataset must be resampled according to class distribution, else False. Default value, True. n_jobs : int, optional Number of cores used for computation. Default value, 20. copy : bool, optional Make a copy of DataFrame. Default value, True. n_max_keywords : int, optional Maximum number of keywords to be returned. Default value, 6. n_min_keywords : int, optional Minimum number of keywords to be returned. Default value, 0. threshold_keywords : float, optional Minimum tf-idf score for word to be selected as keyword. Default value, 0.0. n_docs_in_class : int, optional Number of documents in each classes. Default value, 100. keywords_coef : int, optional Coefficient multiplied with the tf-idf scores of each keywords. Default value, 10. Attributes ---------- max_tfidf_features, keywords, stopwords, resample, n_jobs, progress_bar, copy, n_max_keywords, n_min_keywords, threshold_keywords, n_docs_in_class, keywords_coef, tfidf_vectorizer : TfidfVectorizer instance from sklearn, dict_scores_ : dictionary, Tf-idf scores for each tokens. max_score_ : np.array, Examples -------- >>> from melusine.summarizer.keywords_generator import KeywordsGenerator >>> keywords_generator = KeywordsGenerator() >>>, y) >>> keywords_generator.transform(X) >>> print(X['keywords']) """ def __init__( self, max_tfidf_features=10000, keywords=keywords, stopwords=stopwords, resample=False, n_jobs=1, progress_bar=False, copy=True, n_max_keywords=6, n_min_keywords=0, threshold_keywords=0.0, n_docs_in_class=100, keywords_coef=10, ): self.max_tfidf_features = max_tfidf_features self.tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_features=max_tfidf_features) self.keywords = keywords self.stopwords = stopwords self.resample = resample self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.progress_bar = progress_bar self.copy = copy self.n_max_keywords = n_max_keywords self.n_min_keywords = n_min_keywords self.threshold_keywords = threshold_keywords self.n_docs_in_class = n_docs_in_class self.keywords_coef = keywords_coef
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """Fit the weighted tf-idf model with input data. If resample attribute is True the dataset will be resampled according to class distribution. Parameters ---------- X : pandas.DataFrame, shape (n_samples, n_features) X must contain ['tokens'] column. y : Ignored Returns ------- self : object Returns the instance itself. """ if isinstance(X, dict): raise TypeError( "You should not use fit on a dictionary object. Use a DataFrame" ) if self.resample: X_resample = self.resample_docs(X, y) else: X_resample = X X_resample["tokens"] = X_resample["tokens"].apply(self._remove_stopwords) # fit tf-idf on resample data set tokens_joined = X_resample["tokens"].apply(lambda x: " ".join(x)) # modify the idf weights given frequency in the corpus idf_weights = self._add_tf_to_idf(X_resample) self.tfidf_vectorizer._tfidf._idf_diag = sp.spdiags( idf_weights, diags=0, m=len(idf_weights), n=len(idf_weights) ) # return vetorizer with binary term frequency atribute self.dict_scores_ = dict( zip( self.tfidf_vectorizer.get_feature_names_out(), self.tfidf_vectorizer.idf_, ) ) self.max_score_ = np.max(self.tfidf_vectorizer.idf_) return self
[docs] def transform(self, X): """Returns list of keywords in apparition order for each document with the weighted tf-idf already fitted. Parameters ---------- X : pandas.DataFrame, shape (n_samples, n_features) X must contain ['tokens'] column. Returns ------- X_new : pandas.DataFrame, shape (n_samples, n_components) """ # Case input is a dict if isinstance(X, dict): if self.copy: X_ = copy.deepcopy(X) else: X_ = X apply_func = TransformerScheduler.apply_dict # Case input is a DataFrame else: if self.copy: X_ = X.copy() else: X_ = X apply_func = TransformerScheduler.apply_pandas_multiprocessing X_["keywords"] = apply_func( X_, self.get_keywords, args_=None, cols_=None, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, progress_bar=self.progress_bar, ) return X_
[docs] def get_keywords(self, row): """Returns list of keywords in apparition order with the weighted tf-idf already fitted. Parameters ---------- row : row of pd.Dataframe, columns ['tokens'] Returns ------- list of strings """ tokens = self._remove_stopwords(row["tokens"]) tokens = [x for x in tokens if not x.isdigit()] scores = Counter({t: self.dict_scores_.get(t, 0) for t in tokens}) n = sum(i > self.threshold_keywords for i in list(scores.values())) n = min(n, self.n_max_keywords) n = max(n, self.n_min_keywords) keywords = [x[0] for x in scores.most_common(n)] index_sorted = [(k, tokens.index(k)) for k in keywords if k in tokens] index_sorted = sorted(index_sorted, key=lambda x: x[1]) keywords_sorted = [i[0] for i in index_sorted] return keywords_sorted
[docs] def resample_docs(self, X, y=None): """Method for resampling documents according to class distribution.""" X_ = X.copy() if y is not None: X_["label"] = y X_["split"] = 0 for c in X_.label.unique(): N_c = X_[X_["label"] == c].shape[0] I_c = np.random.randint(0, self.n_docs_in_class + 1, N_c) X_.loc[X_["label"] == c, "split"] = I_c X_resample = pd.DataFrame( X_[["label", "split", "tokens"]] .groupby(["label", "split"], as_index=False)["tokens"] .sum() ) return X_resample
def _remove_stopwords(self, tokens): """Method to filter stopwords from potential list of keywords.""" return [t for t in tokens if t not in self.stopwords] def _add_tf_to_idf(self, X): """Returns the tf-idf weights of each tokens""" tokens_joined = X["tokens"].apply(lambda x: " ".join(x)) X_vec = self.tfidf_vectorizer.transform(tokens_joined) feature_names = self.tfidf_vectorizer.get_feature_names_out() idf_weights = self._get_weights(X_vec.toarray(), self.keywords, feature_names) return idf_weights def _get_weights(self, X_vec, keywords_list, feature_names): """Put max weights for each word of redistributed mails.""" max_ = np.max(X_vec, axis=0) mmax_ = np.max(max_) for k in keywords_list: if k in feature_names: max_[feature_names.index(k)] = mmax_ * self.keywords_coef return max_