Source code for melusine.utils.multiprocessing

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from tqdm import tqdm
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

[docs]def apply_df(input_args): df, func, kwargs = input_args if "progress_bar" in kwargs: progress_bar = kwargs.pop("progress_bar") else: progress_bar = False if "args" in kwargs: args_ = kwargs.pop("args") else: args_ = None if kwargs.get("workers", 1) > 1: progress_bar = False if progress_bar: tqdm.pandas( leave=False, desc=func.__name__, unit="emails", dynamic_ncols=True, mininterval=2.0, ) df = df.progress_apply(func, axis=1, args=args_) else: df = df.apply(func, axis=1, args=args_) return df
[docs]def apply_by_multiprocessing(df, func, **kwargs): """Apply a function along an axis of the DataFrame using multiprocessing. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame DataFrame where the function is applied func : function to apply Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Returns the DataFrame with the function applied. """ workers = kwargs.pop("workers") workers = min(workers, int(df.shape[0] / 2)) workers = max(workers, 1) if (df.shape[0] == 1) or (workers == 1): return apply_df((df, func, kwargs)) retLst = Parallel(n_jobs=workers)( delayed(apply_df)(input_args=(d, func, kwargs)) for d in np.array_split(df, workers) ) return pd.concat(retLst)