Source code for melusine.nlp_tools.embedding

import logging
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
from gensim.models.keyedvectors import Vocab, KeyedVectors
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Embedding: """Class to train embeddings with Word2Vec algorithm. Attributes ---------- word2id: dict, Word vocabulary (key: word, value: word_index. embedding : Gensim KeyedVector Instance, Gensim KeyedVector Instance relative to the specific trained or imported embedding. method : str, One of the following : - "word2vec_sg" : Trains a Word2Vec Embedding using the Skip-Gram method (usually takes a long time). - "word2vec_cbow" : Trains a Word2Vec Embedding using the Continuous Bag-Of-Words method. - "lsa_docterm" : Trains an Embedding by using an SVD on a Document-Term Matrix. - "lsa_tfidf" : Trains an Embedding by using an SVD on a TF-IDFized Document-Term Matrix. train_params : dict, Additional parameters for the embedding training. Check the following documentation : - gensim.models.Word2Vec for Word2Vec Embeddings - sklearn.decomposition.TruncatedSVD for LSA Embeddings If left untouched, the default training values will be kept from the aforementioned packages. Examples -------- >>> from melusine.nlp_tools.embedding import Embedding >>> embedding = Embedding() >>> embedding.train(X) # noqa >>> # noqa >>> embedding = Embedding().load(filepath) # noqa """ def __init__( self, tokens_column=None, workers=40, random_seed=42, iter=15, size=300, method="word2vec_cbow", min_count=100, ): """ Parameters : ---------- workers : int, Number of CPUs to use for the embedding training process (default=40). random_seed : int, Seed for reproducibility (default=42). iter : int, Number of epochs (default=15). Used for Word2Vec and GloVe only. size : int, Desired embedding size (default=300). window : int, If Word2Vec, window used to find center-context word relationships. If GloVe, window used to compute the co-occurence matrix. min_count : int, Minimum number of appeareance of a token in the corpus for it to be kept in the vocabulary (default=100). stop_removal : bool, If True, removes stopwords in the Streamer process (default=True). method : str, One of the following : - "word2vec_sg" : Trains a Word2Vec Embedding using the Skip-Gram method and Negative-Sampling. - "word2vec_cbow" : Trains a Word2Vec Embedding using the Continuous Bag-Of-Words method and Negative-Sampling. - "lsa_docterm" : Trains an Embedding by using an SVD on a Document-Term Matrix. - "lsa_tfidf" : Trains an Embedding by using an SVD on a TF-IDFized Document-Term Matrix. min_count : int Minimum number of occurence of a word to be included in the vocabulary """ self.tokens_column = tokens_column self.input_data = None self.word2id = {} self.embedding = None self.method = method self.workers = workers if self.method in ["word2vec_sg", "word2vec_cbow"]: self.train_params = { "size": size, "alpha": 0.025, "min_count": min_count, "max_vocab_size": None, "sample": 0.001, "seed": random_seed, "workers": workers, "min_alpha": 0.0001, "negative": 5, "hs": 0, "ns_exponent": 0.75, "cbow_mean": 1, "iter": iter, "null_word": 0, "trim_rule": None, "sorted_vocab": 1, "batch_words": 10000, "compute_loss": False, "callbacks": (), "max_final_vocab": None, } if self.method == "word2vec_sg": self.train_params["sg"] = 1 self.train_params["window"] = 10 elif self.method == "word2vec_cbow": self.train_params["sg"] = 0 self.train_params["window"] = 5 else: raise ValueError( f"Error: Embedding method {method} not recognized or not implemented yet ;)." )
[docs] def save(self, filepath): """Method to save Embedding object."""
[docs] def load(self, filepath): """Method to load Embedding object.""" self.embedding = KeyedVectors.load(filepath, mmap="r") return self
[docs] def train(self, X): """Train embeddings with the desired word embedding algorithm (default is Word2Vec). Parameters ---------- X : pd.Dataframe Containing a clean body column. """"Start training word embeddings") # Get token corpus self.input_data = X[self.tokens_column].tolist() if self.method in ["word2vec_sg", "word2vec_cbow"]: self.train_word2vec()"Finished training word embeddings")
[docs] def train_word2vec(self): """Fits a Word2Vec Embedding on the given documents, and update the embedding attribute.""" embedding = Word2Vec( vector_size=self.train_params["size"], alpha=self.train_params["alpha"], window=self.train_params["window"], min_count=self.train_params["min_count"], max_vocab_size=self.train_params["max_vocab_size"], sample=self.train_params["sample"], seed=self.train_params["seed"], workers=self.train_params["workers"], min_alpha=self.train_params["min_alpha"], sg=self.train_params["sg"], hs=self.train_params["hs"], negative=self.train_params["negative"], ns_exponent=self.train_params["ns_exponent"], cbow_mean=self.train_params["cbow_mean"], epochs=self.train_params["iter"], null_word=self.train_params["null_word"], trim_rule=self.train_params["trim_rule"], sorted_vocab=self.train_params["sorted_vocab"], batch_words=self.train_params["batch_words"], compute_loss=self.train_params["compute_loss"], callbacks=self.train_params["callbacks"], max_final_vocab=self.train_params["max_final_vocab"], ) embedding.build_vocab(self.input_data) embedding.train( self.input_data, total_examples=embedding.corpus_count, epochs=self.train_params["iter"], ) self.embedding = embedding.wv